
Find out access information for our venues

The ADC Theatre has a page on AccessAble; you can take a look at it here.

Booking Tickets

All of our Box Office staff are trained to handle access bookings and enquiries. If you are booking a wheelchair seat in the ADC auditorium for the first time, please call the Box Office on 01223 300085 or email We will then alter the permissions of your ADC account so that you can access the wheelchair seats on our website when you book in the future. Complimentary tickets are available for full-time carers.

We currently have space for two wheelchair users, who can be accompanied by up to two full-time carers. The wheelchair spaces are located on the right-hand aisle of the front row.

If you have any access requirements but are not a wheelchair user, please contact the Box Office on 01223 300085 or email Please also let us know if you would require assistance in the event of an evacuation of the building - please note that the Theatre's auditorium is on the first floor of the building (more details about emergency evacuations can be found below).


The ADC Theatre has one accessible and gender neutral cubicle in the foyer, as well as female (four cubicles) and male (one cubicle and three urinals) toilet facilities. Owing to recent consultation and regulatory changes, we regret that we are no longer able to accommodate fully gender-neutral facilities within our current front of house infrastructure. We are committed to ensuring that our front of house spaces are inclusive to all and encourage our guests to continue to use the facilities in which they feel most comfortable and best suit their needs.

Our accessible toilet has been designated as a gender neutral space for those who are not comfortable using the male or female facilities. The Theatre will prioritise redevelopment of our front of house spaces in the future in order to accommodate fully gender neutral facilities which meet current regulatory requirements as and when the funding and opportunity becomes available to do so. Gender neutral facilities continue to be available for cast and crew backstage.


The Park Street Car Park reopened in November 2024 and is the closest car park to the Theatre. Other nearby car parks are located on Castle Hill or in the Grand Arcade shopping centre, with limited on-street parking available on Jesus Lane.

Arriving at the Theatre

When you arrive at the ADC Theatre, there are power assisted doors to the Box Office. In the foyer there is a lift which leads up to the bar and auditorium.

Hearing Impaired

Both the ADC Theatre and Corpus Playroom are fitted with an infra-red audio system designed to help deaf and hard of hearing patrons. If you are using the system for the first time, please arrive early and seek advice from our Front of House team.

Assistance Dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome in both of our venues. Please call the Box Office or email the above address when booking to ensure you are seated appropriately.


The seating in the ADC Theatre is narrow, with an average seat width of 42cm and between-seat depth of 45cm. Seats on rows A and J, as well as seats P1, P2, P15 and P16 have more leg-room; however, may have restricted views. Seating at the Corpus Playroom is on unreserved benches.

At the ADC Theatre we have a very limited number of booster seats available for use in the auditorium, which will be handed out by the stewards on a first come, first served basis. If you are concerned about being able to see please speak to our Box Office staff who can advise on the most suitable seats for you to book, such as in the rear half of the auditorium or on the front row. Row J is on the same level as the row in front and so the view may be partially obscured by the row in front so we recommend children do not sit here.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an emergency, the passenger lift cannot be used. The primary method of escape for those unable to walk down the stairs is by use of one of the building's evacuation chairs, which are located at the top of the foyer stairs (for evacuation from the bar), the top of the fire escape stairs (for evacuation from the auditorium), and by the stage door (for evacuation from the stage). The Duty Manager will be trained in use of the evacuation chair and will oversee the safe evacuation of our non-ambulatory guests.

We regret that due to temporary staffing constraints, we will not be able to accommodate guests who will require the use of an evacuation chair in an emergency for our Friday evening performances. Please contact the Box Office on 01223 300085 for more information.

All exits from the auditorium are fitted with handrails for those who require the support of a handrail to negotiate stairs. For those with limited mobility who prefer to make their own way down stairs slowly, or by shuffling down while seated on the steps, we ask for you to wait for the main flow of people to leave the building first. A fire steward will also be able to assist if required.

Those hearing impaired or D/deaf should be accompanied by a companion or should notify a member of staff of the requirement for a buddy system to be put in place to alert them if the fire alarm is operated at any point.


The ADC Theatre operates a Closed-Circuit Television system (CCTV) at both the site of the ADC Theatre and the Corpus Playroom as a deterrent, for the protection of the public and Theatre users, and for the purpose of crime prevention. The system was implemented to help protect our staff, students, the public and our equipment. The system will not be used for other purposes and an annual review of the use of CCTV will be conducted by the Theatre.

Corpus Playroom

We regret that the Corpus Playroom is not currently wheelchair accessible. The building and its surroundings provide many challenges which are not easily addressed for a variety of technical and regulatory reasons. The ADC Management Team is working closely with Corpus Christi College to improve the accessibility of the Playroom and hopes to find a solution in the near future.

The Corpus Playroom has gender-neutral toilets.

The Corpus Playroom is fitted with an infra-red audio system designed to help d/Deaf or hard of hearing audience members, performers and technicians.

Student Participation

If you have any questions about access at the ADC Theatre, please contact or call the Theatre at 01223 359547


The ADC stage is wheelchair accessible. There is ramped access to the student clubroom and a platform lift to stage.

Stage Managers

The backstage areas of the ADC Theatre are wheelchair accessible. Stage Management is accessible to non-ambulant students, including calling the cues for a show and managing the wing, but please note parts of the pre-show fire check go through the galleries and boxes, which are only accessible by ladder.

Lighting Design

The lighting desk is usually positioned in the lighting box, which is not wheelchair accessible. However, the lighting desk can be relocated to the wing, in order to be used by a non-ambulant lighting designer. Please contact our Technical Manager at if you have any questions related to this.

Sound Design

The sound desk is usually positioned in the sound box, which is not wheelchair accessible. However, the sound desk can be relocated to the wing, in order to be used by a non-ambulant sound designer. Please contact our Technical Manager at if you have any questions related to this.

Other Technical Roles

Please note that the counterweights, hemps galleries and lighting bridges are only accessible by ladders.

Backstage Toilet Facilities

The ADC Theatre has three gender-neutral toilet facilities.