Corpus Playroom
Wed 26 - Mon 31 March
Young Actors Company

YAC presents Lord of the Flies

William Golding, adapted for the stage by Nigel Williams

Join Cambridge’s renowned Drama School, The Young Actors Company, for a week of outstanding theatre at the Corpus Playroom! Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the next generation of theatre talent in action.

In a time of global upheaval, a group of British school boys find themselves stranded on a deserted island. You may be familiar with what happens next, but as with all great stories: the real magic is in the telling.

Violent and heartbreaking, do not underestimate this production of William Golding's classic novel.

It's not's them.

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, adapted for the stage by Nigel Williams
Published by and licensed from Faber & Faber Ltd

Director: Robyn Holdaway
Assistant Director: Em Sparkes
Performed by: The Senior Stage Academy


Wed 26 March at 7:00pm
Mon 31 March at 7:00pm



The Corpus Playroom is owned by Corpus Christi College, and managed by the University of Cambridge through the ADC Theatre. The College drama society, the Fletcher Players, are the resident company.

The L-shaped studio is Cambridge's primary fringe space, showcasing a variety of productions, with an emphasis on new writing. Seasons are programmed simultaneously with the ADC Theatre.


Please note: This venue is not wheelchair accessible. More information can be viewed here.

Complimentary tickets are available for full-time carers.

The Corpus Playroom is fitted with an infra-red audio system designed to help deaf and hard of hearing patrons. If you are using the system for the first time, please arrive early and seek advice from our Front of House team.

Assistance dogs are welcome in both of our venues. Please call the Box Office or email the above address when booking to ensure you are seated appropriately.

The Corpus Playroom has gender-neutral toilets.


Corpus Playroom
10 St Edward's Passage
Get directions


26 March 7:00pm 7:00pm Book now
31 March 7:00pm 7:00pm Book now