What is Going On? PREVIEW

What is Going On? PREVIEW

Sameera Bhalotra Bowers’ one person comedy show is coming to the Corpus Playroom! She sits down with Producer Michael Elizabeth to reflect on the creative process of crafting an hour of comedy for the Corpus Playroom stage.

For so many Footlights, putting on a one-night stand is the crowning achievement of their Cambridge comedy career, and Sameera Bhalotra Bowers is no exception. The past two years have featured a full comedy calendar of performing sketch and stand-up, and as she enters her final year, she is putting the final touches on her one-woman show, What Is Going On? Now, with her show rapidly approaching, she’s reflecting on the creative process of crafting an hour of comedy for the Corpus Playroom stage.

“I have learnt so much. When writing a one-hour show, you have to think about structure, content, and switching up the pace and style and comedy all at the same time.”

“The central thread of the show is that my grandma keeps phoning me to ask what my plans are for after university, and I keep avoiding her phone calls because I want to have it all figured out before I speak to her,” Bowers explains. In between those calls, Bowers is frantically trying to figure out how to make a decision about her next steps in life, showcasing her wide-ranging comedic talents across discussions about university, family, conspiracy, and more. Bowers teases the use of puppetry, voiceovers, PowerPoints, character acting, dance, and poetry throughout the show, all of which she intends to use to excite and engage the audience. “There’s something for everyone.”

Her grandmother’s featured role in the production is especially poignant to Bowers. “My grandma passed away recently, and one of the things I regret not doing is calling her more often,” Bowers says. “When a major event like a death occurs, it brings clarity to your worried thoughts. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t figured out what’s going on in life yet because life is finite and you should connect with those around you in the present.” But don’t worry, Bowers says – she doesn’t want her show to have any “cheesy” messages or to leave audience members with any lingering sadness. Instead, Bowers hopes audiences laugh and enjoy the show that she has created, which have been honed through weeks of feedback from her directors, script editors, and friends.

“I have learnt so much,” Bowers concludes. “When writing a one-hour show, you have to think about structure, content, and switching up the pace and style and comedy all at the same time.” Her ability to balance these elements of comedy is already springing to life on the rehearsal stage, where she struts, jumps, and dances through a lively hour of comedy.

What is Going On: A One Woman Show
Tuesday 22 October, 9.30PM
Corpus Playroom

Click here to book your tickets!